Friday, April 6, 2012

Hats: An Anthology by Stephen Jones

Photo: Jo Gordon/Kiss of death

Yesterday I visited this amazing exhibition! It was truly inspiring!

The show is called Hats: An Anthology by Stephen Jones and it features many original hats, modern and old. Some from as early as the 12th century. The ideas, materials and workmanship were so inspiring - not that I wanted to make a hat (though the thought crossed my mind), but it motivated me to be creative AND start this blog.

Walking through the exhibit, I was thinking that, in a world of the constant mouse clicking, we should really MAKE more things. Not only hats, or clothes. It feels like we don't create or produce anything anymore - everything is made in China and sold to us as a finished product.

There are so many talented people who do not tap into their creative side and I know that anyone can contribute to our culture if they just get inspired!

So go! Go and see it!

For more info, click here!

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